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Gala Night Promotion – Thursday 3rd December 6pm onwards

17 November 2015

We are excited to announce we will be hosting an Invisalign open evening on Dorking’s Gala night on Thursday 3rd December from 6pm to 9/9.30pm.

A visit to the market town, surrounded by the stunning Surrey hills, is always special and this night is held to celebrate Dorking.

Come down and join us where we will be offering a huge £500 discount off Invisalign treatment.

Improve your smile, improve your confidence!

23rd September 2015

Sometimes, just sometimes, people feel the need to do something which may improve their appearance or even increase their confidence. Whether it is a spontaneous trip to the gym to sign up for a month or a shopping spree which will take a month to pay for! But, what if there was something else which people were missing? To really feel great you naturally want to show it with a massive smile, and so you should! Having your teeth whitened can have an immediate and positive impact upon your life! As it is commonly believed you have to ‘look good, to feel good!’ This is just one of the reasons why people have been walking out of Old Court House Dental practice feeling great again!

Even those who are the most conscious about their oral health will inevitably notice some type of staining on their teeth at a time in their life. In some cases this staining can be more significant than others. What causes these stains?

  1. Smoking. Whether a heavy or light smoker, the effects of a single cigarette not only impacts your lungs but actually leaves a damaging effect on your teeth also.

  2. Poor Hygiene. It shouldn’t need to be advised that brushing teeth twice a day is crucial! Although many people agree that it is important, they still choose to only brush once a day, usually in the morning when they’re tired and in a rush!

  3. Consuming teeth staining beverages such as coffee, red wine and tea! It’s fair to say most people struggle to get going in the morning without their daily cup of coffee and then struggle to wind down in the evening without a glass of wine! Although these habits are common, they too leave damaging effects on teeth unless precautions are taken!

The Old Court House dental practice is proud to offer a stunningly unique and effective treatment known as ‘Enlighten Teeth Whitening System.’ Not only is this system safe having been tried and tested, it also has the ability to lighten the colour of teeth by up to 16 shades! Unlike other whitening systems, the gel used in this system is incredibly safe on gums leaving little room for harmful effects. This innovative transformation in whitening systems also means you do not need to wear protective barriers, increasing comfort throughout the system.

Increase your confidence and bring back that smile sooner rather than later and let it bring the positive changes to your life just like it has already for many others! Whether it’s a meeting, interview or a first date, teeth say a lot if they capture the vision of those around you! Old Court House Dental have a team of experts ready to assist you in welcoming such a change into your life!

Contact Old Court House Dental today to find out more exciting information on this system!

Want healthier teeth? Here are the top 5 foods and drinks to avoid.

28th April 2015

Although we’re not saying you shouldn’t treat yourself from time to time here are our top 5 foods and drinks to avoid on a daily basis if you healthier and better looking teeth.

Fizzy Drinks

Nothing can ruin a great smile more than you favourite fizz drink. Although they may taste nice and you may enjoy them your teeth certainly don’t feel the same way you do. Did you know a single can of Coke contains roughly 9 teaspoons of sugar? It’s this sugar along with a host of other unnatural chemicals many fizzy drinks contain that can lead to numerous problems such as rotting teeth and bad breath.

Sticky and Chewy Sweets

Sweets such as toffee, caramel and chew taffy that you have to spend a long time chewing tend to stick to your teeth for a longer time than other foods and since more often than not these sweets contain a large amount of sugar this gives the sugar a longer time to ‘attack’ your teeth and let bacteria grow throughout your mouth. Eating chewy sweets is also very risky if you have a wobbly tooth; it is not uncommon for them to be ripped out when it gets stuck to the toffee/caramel etc.

Ice Cubes

No it doesn’t matter if you put ice in your drinks. However a lot of people tend to have the habit of chewing on the ice cubes once they have finished their drinks. This can cause smalls cracks along the enamel and over time can completely crack a tooth. A lot of people will chew ice without even thinking about it and it may even be a lifelong habit so this can be tricky to stop doing for a lot of people.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

There are many reasons to limit your alcohol intake and the damage it can cause to our teeth is just one of them. When you eat or drink highly acid foods or drinks such as white wine, enamel, the white protective calcium coating the surface of the teeth start to dissolve.


A Cinemagoers favourite but a dentists worst nightmare. Popcorn has a habit of becoming wedged or stuck between the teeth and this gives it plenty of time to grow bacteria and damage the teeth. Even worse than that is eating the un-popped kernels. Biting down too hard on one of these is a sure fire way to crack or even break your teeth and earn yourself a visit to the dentist.

Make an enquiry

Pleease complete the online form below and we will contact you as soon as possible, alternativley call 01306 885611


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